OMEGA ENGINEERING SOFTWARE 15307 SHERWOOD FOREST DR. TAMPA, FL. 33647 PHONE : (315)699-4996,if no answer (813)971-7732 CONTACT: JAMES V. RYAN - Compuserve (72210,545) Shareware : $20 You may use the routines, copy, backup, and distribute as you like. However, you may not change the routine or data disk for copies given to another party. All distribution must be given in it's entirety. You may use the routines for a period of 1 month. if you like the routine please send in the registration fee for the product. This entitles you to free updates as they are produced. BIGLET.LSP BIGLET.LSP will draw thick letters for title sheets, etc.. The letter consist of polyline's and should be treated as such. Copy the BIGLET.LSP and BIGLET.DAT files to your AutoCad directory. You must load BIGLET.LSP prior to use. At the AutoCad command type: COMMAND: (LOAD "BIGLET") To run biglet at the AutoCad command type: COMMAND: BIGLET Enter the letter height in inches and thickness in inches. Enter the text to be entered. Allowable characters in the set include ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 =+-_()*&^%$#@![]":;/?., Small letters are not included. Any character not in the set will result in a blank space. LIMITATIONS The maximum letter thickness is 18% of the letter height. This will set automatically if this ratio is exceeded. Best letter quality occurs when the letter thickness is about 1/8 of the letter height. The routine runs slow. Sorry, It's the best I can do for release 10. If the letter do not close, close them with the PEDIT command. I noticed this might occasionally happen.